

In Dreams

Monday, February 20, 2012

How to get autograph successes through email!

My advice for getting autographs through email!

  • I decided to re-post how to get a autograph by sending email request. It's even easier than sending a SASE sometimes because let's face it! You might be 100 miles away from a postal office, right? No transportation? Zero way to get to a post office! But you still want to collect an autograph!
First off you need to find out the talent agency THAT the said actor or actress is with. Find their official website and look for a contact us page!
Write them as if you would when you are sending your SASE! And make sure that you do not share these emails. We don't want them to get spammed and then cause the "real" fans to loose a chance at getting their autographs through the mail.
Now don't expect to get many success through email though because some offices still require you to send out a SASE. 
Here's a great website for getting FREE pre-print autographs Studio Fan mail and

For my collection please click >>>HERE<<< Note that my collection has grown since then and I will be updating my inventory shortly.

Also IMDB Pro is a great way to get Celebrity emails, just don't spam them or give out the addresses.

Make sure to get your Pre - Prints here for FREE!!
star-collector and Fanmail Biz Email Success Section

Monday, January 30, 2012

Twin Peaks...Damn good Coffee!

Twin Peaks is a show that started in 1990 and ended in 91'  but this show is amazing and it will remains in our hearts forever.
And in no way can it be remade unless it's by David Lynch and his original cast!
 I have seen many shows that try to capture the elements of Twin Peaks but it can never really be anything like it.

For me Twin Peaks is just too special and different, If you  love Twin Peaks and want more of it, I recommend watching USA Channel's Dramedy called PSYCH about Shawn Spencer a Fake-Psychic Detective and his Friend Burton Guster, who solve crimes. Psych recently did a Reunion tribute to Twin Peaks in an episode called Dual Spires. And it was wildly fantastic!!

  And If you're a gamer like I am I will also suggest you play the video games called Deadly Premonition and Alan Wake.
Both are strongly based off of Twin Peaks, so it's perfect if you love the show and are also into Horror Survival games.
A few months ago I purchased  Twin Peaks: The Complete Series (The Definitive Gold Box Edition) and I gotta tell you! It's worth the price because this collection is packed with greatness and a International ending to end all endings!

So David Lynch if you are reading this somewhere.... From the White Lodge....I hope and urge that you will consider making an audio book continuation or continue the series as a web series with the same cast.