

In Dreams

Thursday, February 6, 2014

USA's Dramedy show Psych set to end in it's eighth season

I started watching this show in early 2007 and have been watching the show religiously ever since.  I would always worry about my favorite shows being cancelled, since basically that's all I watch are show's that have been cancelled. Such as My So Called Life, Twin Peaks,The 4400,Sliders and Prison Break. And now I cannot believe I'm saying it, Psych.  No it's not being cancelled, but it's "ending" and it makes my heartache. 
I feel like all of the things I love are leaving me behind. And soon I won't have a cable bill to pay, so maybe it's a good thing after all. 

And I guess it's a good thing to pull the plug before writers run out of things to write and then it gets cancelled. That's much worse!

But I will miss you Psych, you're special to me and gave me and my family lots of laughs and memories. And for that I can never repay you, or maybe I can buy purchasing all of the DVD sets available.
 Anyways you will always hold a big place in my heart, that will be very difficult to fill because there aren't any funny shows on the air right now. You my dear, Psych. are like Michael Jackson to the the music industry. There will never be another!

 For the Variety TV article click USA’s ‘Psych’ to End After Current Eighth Season

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